
🎹 Learn Piano the easy way - with Pianoforall - Piano For All | Learn Piano & Keyboard

Discover the Easiest Way
to Learn Piano

Trusted by Over
HALF A MILLION Students Worldwide

Imagine being able to sit down at a piano and just PLAY – Ballads, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, even amazing Classical pieces? Now you can… and you can learn piano in months not years without wasting money, time and effort on traditional Piano Lessons.

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 500,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

Now it’s YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!

Piano Player Small

“Of the courses I’ve seen online on how to learn piano I’m sure this is one of the best ones” Yamaha-Keyboard-Guide.com

anydevices Small

Learn piano through an amazing series of step-by-step lessons

Pianoforall is specially designed to take complete beginners to an intermediate level faster than any other method.

We start with popular ‘Rhythm Style’ piano – which means you get to sound like a pro right from the start.

You then expand step-by-step into Ballad style, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, Improvisation and creating your own melodies. You will even learn how to read piano music AS you learn how to ‘play-by-ear’ and eventually you will be able to play some amazing Classical piano pieces.

“Why learning piano is not usually explained in the manner that Pianoforall teaches is completely beyond me!” Bob Bowan, Arkansas

Watch the Trailer and a Sample Lesson

Incredible Interactive Ebooks

Learn Piano on all your devices – PC – Mac – Android – iOS – Tablets – Phones – No Need To Be Online!

Screenshot 2022 11 17 at 22.40.35
Learn Rhythm Style Piano with Pianoforall

Learn great rhythm style piano straight away. 15 iconic popular rhythms, ballads, tricks, bluffs, formulas and loads of classic song progressions. Within days you’ll be the life and soul of the party!

Learn Blues and Rock Piano with Pianoforall

Terrific Blues and Rock ‘n’ Roll rhythms that can be used for hundreds of classic songs. Amaze your friends with the sounds of Fat’s Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard and a host of others.

Learn Piano and Keyboard Chords with Pianoforall

Learn to change chords at speed using incredible Inversions. A magical piano chord chart and some speed learning exercises will help you master your basic chords in next to no time!

Learn advanced piano chords with pianoforall

Learn advanced chords the easy way – not the technical way. There are tons of extra practice progressions in the style of popular piano songs. This is a great way to learn all your new chords!

Learn Ballad Style Piano with Pianoforall

Learn to improvise and create your own melodies. By the end of the book you will be playing some terrific songs. This is not bland “easy” piano – you will sound like you’ve been playing for years!

Learn Jazz Piano

Picture the cool jazz piano player in the smoky bar – now it’s your turn.  Amazing runs, cool riffs, jazzy chords, patterns, blues scales, you name it – it’s all here – Jazz Piano made easy!

Learn Advanced Blues Piano

Take your blues piano playing to new heights with the Advanced Blues Piano course. Master sophisticated techniques and learn to improvise over iconic blues rhythms.

Learn Classical Piano

With Pianoforall you learn to read sheet music as you learn to play by ear. You will now be able to tackle some great classical pieces. Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Strauss, Brahms, and more.

Speed Learning Pianoforall

Scales and exercises really do speed up the learning process and there’s no reason why they can’t be fun to play. Tons of fun exercises and memory tricks and exercises in EVERY key.

The Easiest, Most Straightforward Piano Course

Pianoforall’s step-by-step approach, clear instructions, and slow, steady pace make it the least complicated but most effective learn piano course online.

You’ll learn real songs right from the start, building a solid foundation in music theory while mastering a variety of keyboard sounds and styles.

Pianoforall 10 ebooks with video and audio piano lessons

Learn the “Why” Behind the Music

Unlike courses that teach you to copy random songs,  You’ll develop a deep understanding of music theory, chord structures, and patterns that you can apply to mastering any song or creating your own unique compositions.

Pianoforall provides you with the essential building blocks to become a well-rounded pianist.

Multi-Layered Approach to Learning

Our piano lessons combine written instruction, keyboard diagrams, musical notation, video and audio tutorials to create a truly immersive learning experience.

With a clear view of the keyboard and visual aids highlighting the notes being played, you’ll quickly grasp even the most complex techniques.

Pianoforall video audio ebooks
Pianoforall chord patterns

Perfect for Visual Learners

Rather than overwhelming you with complex sheet music, Pianoforall teaches you to see the piano keyboard in terms of shapes and patterns, making it easy to play by ear, improvise, and create your own compositions.

You’ll learn the underlying structures of music and understand how it all fits together, without getting bogged down in unnecessary details.

Discover the Endless Depths of Pianoforall

With Pianoforall’s innovative teaching approach, you’ll learn great piano skills in just a matter of days. But the learning doesn’t stop there.

This comprehensive program is packed with so much valuable content that you’ll continue uncovering new techniques, styles, and musical insights for a long time to come.

Pianoforall perfect for song writers

Learn to Read Music AS you Learn to Play By Ear

Pianoforall takes a unique approach to teaching you how to read music. Instead of the traditional method of learning to read first, we teach you to play by ear first – just like how you learned to speak a language before you learned to read and write it. This “Visual Association” technique allows you to develop a strong musical foundation and understanding before diving into sheet music.

This powerful skill will open up a vast realm of musical knowledge for you to explore and enjoy.

Let Pianoforall Guide You Every Step of the Way

With Pianoforall, you don’t have to worry about where to go next or what to practice.

Our comprehensive piano lessons and expert guidance will lead you every step of the way, eliminating the uncertainty and frustration often associated with learning the piano.

Pianoforall learn piano for all the family

Pianoforall really is… for ALL

Whether you can’t play a note – or you play a bit but want to improve – or maybe you play another instrument and want to diversify – or if you can read sheet music but can’t play piano by ear or even if you want to earn a living teaching others using the course curriculum – Pianoforall is the method for you!

Get Rapid Responses to Your Questions

As a student, you’ll be amazed at how quickly our expert instructors reply to your questions.

We understand that learning a new instrument can be challenging, which is why we prioritize providing timely, personalized feedback to keep you motivated and on track.

Pianoforall Questions Answers
Pianoforall one time payment

One-Time Payment! – Save Time and Money

Forget about costly piano lessons or the headache of expensive subscription based piano learning websites.

For a one-time payment, Pianoforall provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything you need to know, saving you both time and money.

And with a 60 Days Money Back Guarantee… What have you got to lose! 🙂

30,000+ FIVE STAR reviews online!

Toni Pianoforall

“I was about to give up learning piano”

Toni Le Busque, USA – lebusque.com

Hi Robyn, I bought the lessons a few weeks ago I’m virtually ecstatic with how I’ve finally managed to play after a year of slogging away trying to learn to read music. I’ve given up on that and I’m really learning so quickly now by applying what you teach.

Please feel free to put my testimonial on your website. I have literally tried everything I found online to learn and I was considering giving the piano away to a friend when fortunately I found your lessons.
Thanks a lot! Cheers

“It’s the only piano course that I recommend to my students”

Brian Kelly – zombieguitar.com (15 Million YouTube views)

Hey Robin, I am a huge fan of yours. Your course played a large part in the inspiration for my own guitar course, and it’s the only piano course that I recommend to my students. Great stuff!

T Dwight Pianoforall

“I have yet to find another piano course that makes it this easy!”

T. Dwight Kidd, Alabama, USA

Robin, I’ve been working with the course for about a week now, and it’s incredible. Just the practice aids and the different scales and memory techniques in Book 9 are worth the price of the course, alone! There are two things that make this course stand out. First, all the video and audio files are embedded in the lesson. I have yet to find another learn piano course that makes it this easy. It’s so nice not to have three files going at the same time!

The second thing is that you actually get to play in each lesson! And the songs are not “Mary had a Little Lamb” types! From the Beatles to Beethoven, it’s all there. I have several piano courses that I have ordered over the internet. This is the one I use because it makes learning piano fun! I’m amazed! Once you get the rhythms down, you really can sound like a pro! Great fun! Thanks for making this available at such a reasonable price. Anyone who doesn’t grab this up is going to go the long way home! Joy!

Mike Pianoforall

Guitar player and songwriter – Nashville

Mike, Nashville Tennessee

Hey Robin, Just wanted to say thanks for this course. I live in Nashville TN and so naturally I write songs. I play the guitar but I wanted to start writing on piano.

This is a great course for that. Someday I’ll get around to sight reading and maybe playing some classical music but this is a great way to learn piano fast for song writing.

Hopefully in the next six months I’ll have some piano style demos up on my website to go with the ones that are already there. I feel like I owe you more money.

Ed Pianoforall

“Your course is absolutely fantastic!”

Ed Doran, Muskogee, OK

Robin, I purchased your course a couple of years ago and I must agree with all the other comments that your course is absolutely fantastic. It is a simple, straight forward yet very effective way to learn piano.

It makes the complex understandable and for those of us who don’t want to master music theory, it gets us playing quite well in a short time. I can’t say enough good about your program. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Paul Pianoforall

“Lead singer but also a very frustrated pianist!”

Paul Saxon, UK

Hi Robin, Thank you so much for the course. You have a lovely teaching style and I will benefit as I am the lead vocalist in a function band but also a very frustrated pianist!

This course is exactly what I have been looking for with all the shortcuts that have been such a mystery to me for years. Well done Robin an excellent product. Kind regards. Paul”

Derek C

“74 Years young!”

Derek, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire, England, UK

Hya Robin, Enjoying learning the piano like I’ve never – bless you for your insight into teaching – it works!! Please accept my highest respect for possibly the best tutorial of all time – I am 74 and have seen a few. You have made me a happy slave to my keyboard and sound!

Barry Pianoforall

“I’ve picked up more in the short time I’ve had your course than with all the other methods I’ve tried!”

Barry Polis, Georgia, USA

Robin, I just wanted to give you my kudos for a fabulous course. I’m a late starter, and don’t have as much time as I’d like to give theory and background their due diligence. However, your course is making what was previously just an arduous task in memorization (with other methods), a much more structured, understandable, and fun process.

I’ve picked up more in the short time I’ve had your course (I’m up to Ballad Style) than with the all the other methods I’ve tried. Thanks! Again, thanks so much for the most logically arranged, easiest to follow, and best ‘bang for the buck’ piano course I’ve seen, and used. Sincerely,

Don Pianoforall

“Nothing compares to the way you present piano lessons.”

Don Shonk, Michegan, USA. donspiano@ hotmail.com

I’ve perused thru all 10 books and from what I’ve seen so far, I must say, this is a great course and you have an unique approach.
One I haven’t seen before and I’ve tried a lot of them. Unsuccessfully, I might add.

Your course seems to be what I’ve been looking for for quite a while. I seen a gazillion of them out there but nothing compares to the way you present piano lessons. Good luck with it.

JD Pianoforall

“My whole family can’t believe I really learned all I have in less than 3 days!”

Pastor JD Loveland, Santee, CA, USA

Dear Robin,
I just wanted to Thank You for the incredible program that you have put together. I must say that you over delivered on this one. Although I’ve played guitar “by ear” since I was 12 ( I’m 61..you do the math) I’ve never played piano before in my life. (I take that back, I tried to play chop sticks when I was in my teens but couldn’t get it right). I’ve always thought it was too difficult and for some reason I was never able to get the hang of reading music so playing piano was just a dream I have had all my life but thought was out of my reach.

My grandson (6year old) started piano lessons so we bought him a nice keyboard for when he comes to visit and I don’t exactly know how I found your offer on the internet but I did. I thought it was too good to be true but I thought what’s the most I could lose so I gave it a try.

I couldn’t believe it, and neither could my wife! Within an hour, I was making music. My whole family can’t believe I really learned all I have in less than 3 days!

I’ve always thought most of the testimonials that I read online are more hype than fact but Piano for All is everything you said it is and more.  I will tell everyone I know, who’s ever thought about playing piano or keys that this is the real deal and I hope if you use this testimonial that all who read it will believe me. Most people who know me personally will testify that I’m an honest man who tries to always tell the truth. God bless you,

Jane Pianoforall

“I’ve even got my mum playing again thanks to you!”

Jane Grey, London, UK

Hi Robin,  A belated note to say a very big thank you for putting together such an interesting, motivating, straightforward approach to learning piano! I absolutely love the techniques.

I’m playing everything now and it’s so exciting!!! I’m still only on Book 1 and I’ve learned so much already, I can’t imagine what you have in store for us in the other books. Anyway, I’ll keep you updated with my progress. Thanks again! Best wishes, Jane X”

(later update)
“Hi Robin, Yes, I am! I’m taking it one stage at a time as I don’t want to miss anything. However, I have taken an advance peak at the blues section (for “Hideaway”, you may remember?) and I now fully understand how to “adapt the formulas” as you put it. We have a band rehearsal on Tuesday so I’m hoping to surprise my fellow musos! Happy to oblige with the email idea for fellow students: I’ve even got my Mum playing again thanks to you! Keep up the good work. Best wishes. Jane

Stacey Pianoforall

“I had no problems downloading or adding the info to my iPad.”

Stacey (beginner), Oklahoma, USA

Robin, Your instructions for the downloads were helpful and easy to follow. I did need those instructions, but I just went through them step by step. I had no problem downloading for my PC and also adding the info to my iPad which I love, by the way.

It’s fantastic to have the iPad on the music stand and be able to play, then read, then listen to an audio clip and watch a video clip. The only problem I had was that I wanted to keep going through the book and playing. It was very late by the time I went to bed. I’m sure I looked ridiculous because I had earbuds to listen to the iPad and larger headphones over it for the keyboard. I didn’t want to wake up everyone in the house.

Loving it so far. I haven’t read music in over 22 years. It’s coming back to me though. I played the saxophone for 7 years in school, but I have never played the piano. Thanks for your quick responses, Stacey

Incredible Interactive Ebooks

Learn Piano on all your devices – PC – Mac – Android – iOS – Tablets – Phones – No Need To Be Online!

Screenshot 2022 11 17 at 22.40.35

The Easiest, Most Straightforward Piano Course

Pianoforall’s step-by-step approach, clear instructions, and slow, steady pace make it the least complicated but most effective learn piano course online.

You’ll learn real songs right from the start, building a solid foundation in music theory while mastering a variety of keyboard sounds and styles.

Learn the “Why” Behind the Music

Unlike courses that teach you to copy random songs,  You’ll develop a deep understanding of music theory, chord structures, and patterns that you can apply to mastering any song or creating your own unique compositions.

Pianoforall provides you with the essential building blocks to become a well-rounded pianist.

Pianoforall 10 ebooks with video and audio piano lessons

Multi-Layered Approach to Learning

Our piano lessons combine written instruction, keyboard diagrams, musical notation, video and audio tutorials to create a truly immersive learning experience.

With a clear view of the keyboard and visual aids highlighting the notes being played, you’ll quickly grasp even the most complex techniques.

Pianoforall video audio ebooks

Perfect for Visual Learners

Rather than overwhelming you with complex sheet music, Pianoforall teaches you to see the piano keyboard in terms of shapes and patterns, making it easy to play by ear, improvise, and create your own compositions.

You’ll learn the underlying structures of music and understand how it all fits together, without getting bogged down in unnecessary details.

Pianoforall chord patterns

Discover the Endless Depths of Pianoforall

With Pianoforall’s innovative teaching approach, you’ll learn great piano skills in just a matter of days. But the learning doesn’t stop there.

This comprehensive program is packed with so much valuable content that you’ll continue uncovering new techniques, styles, and musical insights for a long time to come.

Pianoforall perfect for song writers

Learn to Read Music AS you Learn to Play By Ear

Pianoforall takes a unique approach to teaching you how to read music. Instead of the traditional method of learning to read first, we teach you to play by ear first – just like how you learned to speak a language before you learned to read and write it. This “Visual Association” technique allows you to develop a strong musical foundation and understanding before diving into sheet music.

This powerful skill will open up a vast realm of musical knowledge for you to explore and enjoy.

Let Pianoforall Guide You Every Step of the Way

With Pianoforall, you don’t have to worry about where to go next or what to practice.

Our comprehensive piano lessons and expert guidance will lead you every step of the way, eliminating the uncertainty and frustration often associated with learning the piano.

Pianoforall really is… for ALL

Whether you can’t play a note – or you play a bit but want to improve – or maybe you play another instrument and want to diversify – or if you can read sheet music but can’t play piano by ear or even if you want to teach others using the course curriculum – Pianoforall is the method for you!

Pianoforall learn piano for all the family

Get Rapid Responses to Your Questions

As a student, you’ll be amazed at how quickly our expert instructors reply to your questions.

We understand that learning a new instrument can be challenging, which is why we prioritize providing timely, personalized feedback to keep you motivated and on track.

Pianoforall Questions Answers

One-Time Payment! – Save Time and Money

Forget about costly piano lessons or the headache of expensive subscription based piano learning websites.

For a one-time payment, Pianoforall provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything you need to know, saving you both time and money.

And with a 60 Days Money Back Guarantee… What have you got to lose! 🙂

Pianoforall one time payment

30,000+ FIVE STAR reviews online!

Toni Pianoforall

“I was about to give up learning piano”

Toni Le Busque, USA – lebusque.com

Hi Robyn, I bought the lessons a few weeks ago I’m virtually ecstatic with how I’ve finally managed to play after a year of slogging away trying to learn to read music. I’ve given up on that and I’m really learning so quickly now by applying what you teach.

Please feel free to put my testimonial on your website. I have literally tried everything I found online to learn and I was considering giving the piano away to a friend when fortunately I found your lessons. Thanks a lot! Cheers

“It’s the only piano course that I recommend to my students”

Brian Kelly – zombieguitar.com (15 Million YouTube views)

Hey Robin, I am a huge fan of yours. Your course played a large part in the inspiration for my own guitar course, and it’s the only piano course that I recommend to my students. Great stuff!

T Dwight Pianoforall

“I have yet to find another piano course that makes it this easy!”

T. Dwight Kidd, Alabama, USA

Robin, I’ve been working with the course for about a week now, and it’s incredible. Just the practice aids and the different scales and memory techniques in Book 9 are worth the price of the course, alone! There are two things that make this course stand out. First, all the video and audio files are embedded in the lesson. I have yet to find another learn piano course that makes it this easy. It’s so nice not to have three files going at the same time!

The second thing is that you actually get to play in each lesson! And the songs are not “Mary had a Little Lamb” types! From the Beatles to Beethoven, it’s all there. I have several piano courses that I have ordered over the internet. This is the one I use because it makes learning piano fun! I’m amazed! Once you get the rhythms down, you really can sound like a pro! Great fun! Thanks for making this available at such a reasonable price. Anyone who doesn’t grab this up is going to go the long way home! Joy!

Mike Pianoforall

Guitar player and songwriter – Nashville

Mike, Nashville Tennessee

Hey Robin, Just wanted to say thanks for this course. I live in Nashville TN and so naturally I write songs. I play the guitar but I wanted to start writing on piano.

This is a great course for that. Someday I’ll get around to sight reading and maybe playing some classical music but this is a great way to learn piano fast for song writing.

Hopefully in the next six months I’ll have some piano style demos up on my website to go with the ones that are already there. I feel like I owe you more money.

Ed Pianoforall

“Your course is absolutely fantastic!”

Ed Doran, Muskogee, OK

Robin, I purchased your course a couple of years ago and I must agree with all the other comments that your course is absolutely fantastic. It is a simple, straight forward yet very effective way to learn piano.

It makes the complex understandable and for those of us who don’t want to master music theory, it gets us playing quite well in a short time. I can’t say enough good about your program. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Paul Pianoforall

“Lead singer but also a very frustrated pianist!”

Paul Saxon, UK

Hi Robin, Thank you so much for the course. You have a lovely teaching style and I will benefit as I am the lead vocalist in a function band but also a very frustrated pianist!

This course is exactly what I have been looking for with all the shortcuts that have been such a mystery to me for years. Well done Robin an excellent product. Kind regards. Paul”

Derek C

“74 Years young!”

Derek, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire, England, UK

Hya Robin, Enjoying learning the piano like I’ve never – bless you for your insight into teaching – it works!! Please accept my highest respect for possibly the best tutorial of all time – I am 74 and have seen a few. You have made me a happy slave to my keyboard and sound!

Barry Pianoforall

“I’ve picked up more in the short time I’ve had your course than with all the other methods I’ve tried!”

Barry Polis, Georgia, USA

Robin, I just wanted to give you my kudos for a fabulous course. I’m a late starter, and don’t have as much time as I’d like to give theory and background their due diligence. However, your course is making what was previously just an arduous task in memorization (with other methods), a much more structured, understandable, and fun process.

I’ve picked up more in the short time I’ve had your course (I’m up to Ballad Style) than with the all the other methods I’ve tried. Thanks! Again, thanks so much for the most logically arranged, easiest to follow, and best ‘bang for the buck’ piano course I’ve seen, and used. Sincerely,

Don Pianoforall

“Nothing compares to the way you present piano lessons.”

Don Shonk, Michegan, USA. donspiano@ hotmail.com

I’ve perused thru all 10 books and from what I’ve seen so far, I must say, this is a great course and you have an unique approach.
One I haven’t seen before and I’ve tried a lot of them. Unsuccessfully, I might add.

Your course seems to be what I’ve been looking for for quite a while. I seen a gazillion of them out there but nothing compares to the way you present piano lessons. Good luck with it.

JD Pianoforall

“My whole family can’t believe I really learned all I have in less than 3 days!”

Pastor JD Loveland, Santee, CA, USA

Dear Robin,
I just wanted to Thank You for the incredible program that you have put together. I must say that you over delivered on this one. Although I’ve played guitar “by ear” since I was 12 ( I’m 61..you do the math) I’ve never played piano before in my life. (I take that back, I tried to play chop sticks when I was in my teens but couldn’t get it right). I’ve always thought it was too difficult and for some reason I was never able to get the hang of reading music so playing piano was just a dream I have had all my life but thought was out of my reach.

My grandson (6year old) started piano lessons so we bought him a nice keyboard for when he comes to visit and I don’t exactly know how I found your offer on the internet but I did. I thought it was too good to be true but I thought what’s the most I could lose so I gave it a try.

I couldn’t believe it, and neither could my wife! Within an hour, I was making music. My whole family can’t believe I really learned all I have in less than 3 days!

I’ve always thought most of the testimonials that I read online are more hype than fact but Piano for All is everything you said it is and more.  I will tell everyone I know, who’s ever thought about playing piano or keys that this is the real deal and I hope if you use this testimonial that all who read it will believe me. Most people who know me personally will testify that I’m an honest man who tries to always tell the truth. God bless you,

Jane Pianoforall

“I’ve even got my mum playing again thanks to you!”

Jane Grey, London, UK

Hi Robin,  A belated note to say a very big thank you for putting together such an interesting, motivating, straightforward approach to learning piano! I absolutely love the techniques.

I’m playing everything now and it’s so exciting!!! I’m still only on Book 1 and I’ve learned so much already, I can’t imagine what you have in store for us in the other books. Anyway, I’ll keep you updated with my progress. Thanks again! Best wishes, Jane X”

(later update)
“Hi Robin, Yes, I am! I’m taking it one stage at a time as I don’t want to miss anything. However, I have taken an advance peak at the blues section (for “Hideaway”, you may remember?) and I now fully understand how to “adapt the formulas” as you put it. We have a band rehearsal on Tuesday so I’m hoping to surprise my fellow musos! Happy to oblige with the email idea for fellow students: I’ve even got my Mum playing again thanks to you! Keep up the good work. Best wishes. Jane

Stacey Pianoforall

“I had no problems downloading or adding the info to my iPad.”

Stacey (beginner), Oklahoma, USA

Robin, Your instructions for the downloads were helpful and easy to follow. I did need those instructions, but I just went through them step by step. I had no problem downloading for my PC and also adding the info to my iPad which I love, by the way.

It’s fantastic to have the iPad on the music stand and be able to play, then read, then listen to an audio clip and watch a video clip. The only problem I had was that I wanted to keep going through the book and playing. It was very late by the time I went to bed. I’m sure I looked ridiculous because I had earbuds to listen to the iPad and larger headphones over it for the keyboard. I didn’t want to wake up everyone in the house.

Loving it so far. I haven’t read music in over 22 years. It’s coming back to me though. I played the saxophone for 7 years in school, but I have never played the piano. Thanks for your quick responses, Stacey


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